Batman - The Animated Series (USA, Europe)


Batman The Animated Series is an actionadventure game based on the beloved animated TV show. Players take on the role of Batman as he battles through Gotham City to defeat iconic villains like The Joker and TwoFace. With engaging gameplay and challenging levels, this game provides an immersive experience for fans of the Dark Knight. Immerse yourself in the atmospheric world of Gotham and join Batman on his quest to save the city from its most dangerous criminals.


In Batman The Animated Series game, control Batman to combat crime in Gotham City. Use abilities and gadgets to defeat enemies and solve puzzles. Navigate through levels, collect powerups, and uncover secrets. Follow the storyline inspired by the popular animated series. Enjoy challenging gameplay and boss fights. Play on your compatible device and immerse yourself in the world of Batman. Master the controls and save the city from villains.

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