Dig Dug (USA)


Dig Dug USA is a classic video game where players navigate underground mazes as Dig Dug, defeating enemies by inflating them with an air pump or dropping rocks on them. Released for the Atari 2600, players must strategically dig tunnels, evade monsters, and gather points through a series of levels. With its gameplay focusing on strategy and skill, Dig Dug USA remains a beloved title for retro gaming enthusiasts worldwide.


In Dig Dug, control player to dig tunnels eliminate monsters by inflating them until they burst. Use joystick to move, button to dig or inflate. Gain points by defeating enemies collecting veggies. Avoid enemies touching player. Reach next level after clearing all enemies. Player has limited time. Strategic tunneling is key. Aim for high score. Enjoy classic gameplay of Dig Dug on Atari 2600.

dig dug, atari 2600, vintage games, classic arcade, retro gaming