Finding Nemo (USA, Europe)


Based on the popular animated film, Finding Nemo for GBA follows the adventurous journey of Marlin and Dory as they search for Marlins son, Nemo. Players explore the ocean, complete challenges, and meet characters from the movie. With engaging gameplay and colorful graphics, this title offers an exciting underwater experience for fans of the movie. Help Marlin find Nemo while overcoming obstacles and making new friends in this delightful adventure.


In Finding Nemo for GBA consoles, players control Nemo and Marlin through depths of the ocean, overcoming challenges and puzzles to find lost fish. Collect shells and tokens to unlock new levels and characters. Use teamwork to navigate dangers and rescue friends. Swim through colorful environments, evade enemies, and uncover secrets. Follow the storyline as seen in the movie. Enjoy fun gameplay suitable for all ages. Hurry to locate Nemo in this exciting aquatic adventure.

Finding Nemo, GBA, game, USA, Europe