Goukaku Boy Series - Koukou Nyuushi Derujun - Rika Anki Point 250 (Japan)


Goukaku Boy Series Koukou Nyuushi Derujun Rika Anki Point 250 Japan is an educational game focused on science and entrance exam preparation. It offers 250 points of study material with quizzes and tests to help high school students excel. This game challenges players with scientific questions and enhances their knowledge in a fun and engaging way. With interactive study features, students can enhance their understanding of various scientific topics in preparation for exams.


In Goukaku Boy Series Koukou Nyuushi Derujun Rika Anki Point 250 Japan, you navigate a range of science questions to pass high school entrance exams. Answer multiplechoice questions by selecting the correct option using the Dpad and buttons. Improve your knowledge and testtaking skills to succeed. Practice regularly to enhance your performance and increase your Anki points. Aim to conquer all 250 points and secure admission to your desired school.

Goukaku Boy Series, Koukou Nyuushi Derujun, Rika Anki Point 250, Japan, GB