Hey You, Pikachu! (USA)


Hey You, Pikachu is a simulation game for the Nintendo 64 where players interact with Pikachu using voice commands via a microphone accessory. Players engage in activities like fishing, cooking, and exploring the Pokemon world with Pikachu as their companion. The game blends elements of virtual pet simulation and adventure gameplay. Hey You, Pikachu offers a unique and immersive experience that allows players to bond with Pikachu in a playful and interactive way.


In Pokemon game Hey You, Pikachu players interact with Pikachu using voice commands to complete tasks and play minigames. Speak clearly and use simple phrases to help Pikachu understand. Tasks include fishing, picnicking, and searching for items. Explore various locations while forming a bond with Pikachu. Use the microphone properly to communicate effectively. Enjoy the unique and immersive experience of befriending Pikachu in this N64 game.

Hey You Pikachu, Nintendo 64, Virtual Pet Game, Interactive Gameplay, N64 Adventure