Missile Control (Europe)


Missile Control Europe is an exciting action game released for the Atari 2600 console. Players must defend cities from incoming missiles by launching countermissiles to intercept and destroy them. With fastpaced gameplay and challenging levels, this game offers a thrilling experience for retro gaming enthusiasts. Take control of the defense system and save the day in this classic title from the Atari era.


In Missile Control Europe, players defend cities by launching missiles to destroy incoming enemy missiles and UFOs. Move the crosshair using the joystick and press the button to launch a missile. Timing and accuracy are crucial to protect all cities. Watch out for faster and more numerous enemies in higher levels. Earn points by successfully defending cities. Master Missile Control to achieve high scores in this challenging Atari 2600 game.

missile control europe, atari 2600 game, classic gaming, retro video games, atari console revival