Neon Genesis Evangelion (Japan)


In Neon Genesis Evangelion Japan, immerse yourself in a thrilling mecha combat adventure inspired by the popular anime series. Take control of futuristic robots known as Evangelions to battle hostile entities threatening mankind. With stunning graphics and intense gameplay, this actionpacked game for console rom n64.10 offers fans a chance to experience the excitement of piloting giant mechs. Join the fight to save humanity in this epic video game adaptation.


Play Neon Genesis Evangelion for the Nintendo 64. Use the controller to navigate and fight enemies. Choose from various characters and mechs. Complete missions to progress through the game. Use your skills and strategies to defeat challenging bosses. Enjoy the immersive experience of piloting EVAs in this actionpacked game.

Neon Genesis Evangelion game, Nintendo64, Neon Genesis Evangelion Japan, Nintendo64 game, Anime Nintendo64 game