NiGHTS into Dreams... (USA, Brazil)


NiGHTS into Dreams... is a captivating action video game released in the USA and Brazil. Players can explore dream worlds as two children or NiGHTS, a mystical being, to defeat enemies and restore balance. With magical gameplay mechanics and vibrant graphics, this Sega Saturn classic offers a unique and immersive experience. Master the games aerial acrobatics and imaginative landscapes for an unforgettable adventure.,


Immerse yourself in the dream world of NiGHTS into Dreams... USA, Brazil on Sega Saturn. Fly through fantastical levels collecting keystones to unlock the Ideya capture cages. Switch between dreamers Elliot and Claris to control NiGHTS and defeat Nightmaren bosses. Master aerial maneuvers, loops, and spins to earn high scores. Save the dream world of Nightopia from the evil Wizeman. Experience a unique and magical gameplay adventure in this classic Sega Saturn title.

NiGHTS into Dreams... USA, NiGHTS into Dreams... Brazil, Sega Saturn, Sega Saturn game, Sega Saturn classic