Res Arcana - Diana Ray - Uranai no Meikyuu (Japan)


Res Arcana Diana Ray Uranai no Meikyuu is a captivating roleplaying game released in Japan for the SNES console. Players explore dungeons, solve puzzles, and battle monsters with magical abilities. The games engaging storyline, stunning visuals, and strategic gameplay make it a favorite among RPG enthusiasts. Join Diana Ray in her quest through the mystical labyrinth and uncover hidden secrets in this epic adventure.


In Res Arcana Diana Ray Uranai no Meikyuu, players explore mystical labyrinths and divine their fate. Summon powerful creatures, cast potent spells, and collect magical essences to craft artifacts. To win, amass 10 points by controlling locations and deploying your creations wisely. Plan strategic actions to outwit opponents in this captivating strategy game for hours of enjoyable gameplay. Master the art of magic and unleash your creativity in this enchanting adventure.

Res Arcana, Diana Ray, Uranai no Meikyuu, Japan, SNES