Resident Evil - Survivor (USA)


Resident Evil Survivor USA is a classic survival horror game with intense action., Navigate a treacherous world filled with zombies and monsters. Fight to uncover the dark secrets of Umbrella Corporation. Solve puzzles and uncover hidden items in your quest for survival. Unravel the mystery while facing constant danger. Are you ready to confront your fears and survive in this chilling world


Navigate Resident Evil Survivor USA by moving with directional buttons, aim with L1, fire with R1, and reload with R2. Use X to interact and open doors. Progress by solving puzzles and defeating enemies. Health replenishes with herbs, and save at typewriters. Locate key items to advance. Survive against zombies and bosses to uncover the games story. Explore carefully to uncover secrets. Master aim for precision kills. Enjoy the immersive survival horror experience.

Resident Evil, Survivor, USA, PlayStation 1, Game