SimEarth - The Living Planet (Japan)


SimEarth The Living Planet Japan is a simulation video game that allows players to design and manage their own virtual planet. Released on a popular console, it offers a unique and educational gameplay experience. Users can control various aspects of the planets environment, ecosystems, and civilizations. With its engaging mechanics and strategic challenges, this game provides hours of entertainment for players looking to explore the complexities of a dynamic virtual world.


In SimEarth The Living Planet Japan, manage an evolving world through various eras. Balance climate, geography, and life forms to foster a thriving ecosystem. Control factors like temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric composition to shape the planets future. Experiment with different scenarios to understand the complexities of planetary evolution. Advance civilization and explore the possibilities of this virtual world. Master the art of planetary management and witness the interplay of life on a grand scale.

SimEarth, The Living Planet, Japan, SNES, Retro games