Super Robot Taisen D (Japan)


Super Robot Taisen D is a tactical RPG video game that features iconic robot anime characters from various series. Players strategically engage enemies in gridbased battles, utilizing a mix of melee and ranged attacks. With smooth gameplay and compelling storylines, it offers challenging scenarios that entertain fans of the genre. Released for the handheld console, it provides an immersive experience for gamers seeking epic robot battles and intricate tactics.


Welcome to Super Robot Taisen D In this tactical RPG, navigate through battles using mechs from various series. Coordinate attacks, upgrade units, and deploy strategic moves to defeat enemies. Successfully complete missions to unlock new stages and characters. Plan your tactics wisely to emerge victorious. Enjoy the immersive gameplay experience filled with intense mecha battles and compelling narratives. Dominate the battlefield and save the world

Super Robot Taisen D, GBA game, Japanese game, Mecha strategy, Retro gaming